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20180424 给中華民國臺南市政 | To Taiwan Authorities


To Labor Affairs Bureau of The Tainan City Government, Taiwan:

Kidsland and Rene clearly have a misunderstanding.

Correction from 1.2, the total amount for successful mediation is 1.5 million nT$.  Only through The Labor Affairs Bureau did the argument with Kidsland become about money.  It is directly for restoring credibility of normal human rights to Rene Helmerichs.  We sincerely thank you for your help.

On 23 April 2018 we went to police to press charges.  It was the police who suggested we start with The Labor Affairs Beureau.  That is when we learned what The Tainan City Government offers.

We have audio recordings in addition to countless emails.  Here is what happened:

Kidsland managers hired Rene knowing he is writing a book for worldwide honesty.  Management knew that Rene was in jails in Canada for almost 3 years for sending harmless email.  Kidsland managers also heard that Rene argued with psychiatrists in court about the law, and that Rene was illegally punished for it.

May 2017, Kidsland essentially hired Rene knowing that doctors think he is ill.  They offered him more money than other teachers.  They also gave him better working hours and a contract for two years until 31 July 2019.  Then in January 2018 they fired Rene because the idea of publicity scared them.  Where is the standard in that?

只想寫關於凱仕蘭的好東西!宣傳是。它能確保台灣的誠實嗎?我們可以在2018年2月15日的“Set TV”中公開新聞中的不誠實行為。
Rene only wanted to write good things about Kidsland!  Does publicity ensure honesty in Taiwan?  We can show dishonesty in public news with Set TV of 15 Feb 2018.

Kidsland management wants to hide facts about Rene from parents.  Rene warned them that he is not going to stop promoting cooperation.  Kidsland managers began threatening Rene.  Manager Denise went into his home without permission and demanded that he sign a Chinese termination agreement which Rene could not read!

Canadian lawyers cannot win a religious argument in court.  Right now, Kidsland managers are further slandering Rene's reputation.  A church minister and his treasurer began this story in Canada to hide their own dishonesty.  Because Kidsland is not willing to help Rene maintain his credibility, Kidsland is breaking both national and international laws.

給臺南市政府勞工局和警察的書可在 在線獲得。20185月的第二個星期估計調解會議?在那次會議之後,我們希望向凱仕蘭提出正式指控。
The book given to Tainan City Government Labor Affairs Bureau and police is available online at ( English ) .  The mediation meeting is estimated for the second week in May, 2018?  We would like to press formal charges against Kidsland following that meeting.

Canadian lawmakers are currently advocating that individuals lose their right to a criminal trial.  They take accused individuals and have police lock them into hospitals for as long as doctors like.  They call it mental health, but they do not respect our mind.  Our minds are already eternal and the criminal matter of sending harmless email in 2012 belonged in criminal court, and not a hospital.

Honesty is a matter of principle and publicity ensures honesty.  We request The Taiwan Association For Human Rights for assistance because this argument extends directly to a matter of basic human rights.

The law is meant to help everyone.  Kidsland disagrees with that. We seek to unite worldwide religions with understanding.  This is the only way to establish a sustainable future free of religious war. 

For dispute at the mediation:

1. 凱仕蘭在沒有合法理由的情況下解雇了Rene_Helmerichs;
1. Kidsland fired Rene Helmerichs without legal reason;

2. 凱仕蘭欠“Rene”錢和財物;
2. Kidsland owes Rene money and belongings;

3. 凱仕蘭有意拖延誠實(反對合作);
3. "Kidsland" intentionally delays honesty (is against cooperation);

4. 凱仕蘭違反協議為父母的利益一起工作;和,
4. "Kidsland" broke agreement to work together for the benefit of the parents; and,

5. 凱仕蘭在沒有給予瑞內學分的情況下出版了瑞內在一本書中的作品。
5. "Kidsland" published Rene's writing in a book for money without giving Rene credit

It can be difficult to see how ideas work together.  An argument must end at its origin.  Until it does, it changes and grows with more and more life.

Following mediation, we also ask "Sesame Street U.S. Taiwan General Administration Office" for help to correct Kidsland (凱仕蘭).

Rene Helmerichs(是瑞


上下文, Context
2018419向台湾請求幫助, petition to Taiwan

更多關於加拿大法律,more about Canada law

II. 原因荷光者,Understanding Reason

My name is Rene Helmerichs.  My loving wife told me today that people think Rene is unreasonable.
I can help us understand reason.

Reason comes from mind.  It is the foundation of logic.  Logic tells us that we each have religious beliefs.  We can have the belief that we are not religious.  But it is still a belief, and that makes it also a religion.

I have read the book that psychiatrists use to make diagnoses.  There is a cultural exemption for each diagnosis.  The Christian culture teaches about a Holy Ghost that is shared.  Buddhists belief in reincarnation.  Hindus believe in a God head.  Muslims believe everyone shares Allah.  Most people accept the idea of karma.  All these cultures, and the people who believe in Heaven or Hell, respect that an eternal sentience exists.

I know this sentience through a book called "A Course In Miracles."  Doctors from Columbia University wrote that book.  It teaches us how to cooperate.  Miracles depend only upon cooperation.  In that way, that book teaches us how to unite different spirits.

We can consider our spirit to be our mind.  Since our body cannot make an eternal mind, our mind is closer to whom, or what, we really are.

We have the ability to end all religious wars.  But few of us believe it, and even fewer of us understand how to do it.  Rene began the journey to unite the world for true world peace without harm.  Rene uses only words to share ideas.  Ideas share understanding.  Understanding heals our minds, and helps us to work together.  This is the true purpose of law.  All written laws must be consistent.  But the true (eternally valid) law applies to everyone for the purpose of working only together without harm.

Kidsland believed Rene enough to hire him.  When Kidsland started to doubt Rene, they fired him.  That is not really a legal reason to fire someone.  Since Kidsland claimed that Rene is mentally ill, Kidsland started to slander the credibility of Rene.  The result is a legal mess that now involves the government of Taiwan.  This is not really a problem.  If we all agree to work together, it can really end in an instant.  If we disagree that eternity is possible, we will argue about religion. 

Every argument with Rene is directly a religious argument.  It is also a legal argument, since laws are written according to cultural beliefs. 

I am sorry that this seems unreasonable.  It is simply not something we properly learn in school.  But schools teach us to dream for a better future.  When someone decides that it really is possible to have a future without war, they call that person crazy.  To call someone who is willing to help everyone crazy, is crazy.  That is why people think Rene is unreasonable.

Rene understands that everyone shares God.  It is nothing special.  It is just unknown.  Because it is unknown, it will take time to understand.

This argument really isn't about money.  Because the argument is about principles, and not money, it can't really be called unreasonable.  The best word for Rene is unique.  Or, the same as everyone else just without the desire to keep anything hidden.  Honesty has not reason to hide anything.  The only problem is that everyone thinks they are honest, and then they make jokes and promises and argue about honesty.  In any courtroom legal dispute, one party is always more honest.  In real law, there is only the desire for partnership to work together for a sustainable future for everyone.

Rene is not arguing.  Rene is only writing about the actions of people, companies, and governments that are unreasonable.  That doesn't mean Rene is unreasonable.  It actually means that no one really understands Rene.  Rene is always happy to answer questions, and always uses real examples to explain new ideas in a way that people can understand.

Rene is able to answer any question in court.  Rene only hopes that the court in Taiwan is fair.  To ensure fairness, Rene publicizes everything.  Publicizing everything makes sure that everything works together.  If it works together, then it is consistent.  If it is consistent, it is legal.  That is the idea behind law.

Kidsland has broken the law in so many ways, they should just be charged and lose their licence unless they partner in a crazy project for true worldwide peace.  The idea is certainly new, or crazy, or possibly unreasonable for people who do not understand.  But one thing that is for certain is that Rene does have a legitimate claim against "Kidsland".  It may only require more time to find the right words and uncover the same thinking in other minds.

This is all part of a larger argument that should result in the Canadian government providing Talk2dream with enough money to build a global university independent of every nation on earth.  It will be like a school to teach churches about God, and to help university professors work together on ideas that governments currently do not desire because those governments are afraid of an imbalance in their powers.

這是一個非常大的項目。所以真正理解可能需要一些時間。 上的請願書是真誠和必要的。凱仕蘭真的阻止我們在沒有宗教戰爭的情況下共同實現可持續未來的共同目標。
It is a very big project.  So it may take some time to truly understand.  The petition at is sincere and necessary.  Kidsland is really blocking us from achieving the common goal of a sustainable future together without religious wars.

We are really asking for your help, and public support.  That has always been our true need.  We also need some money for food, of course.  So stopping Rene from being able to work as a teacher is only hurting Talk2dream more.

Thank you for trying to understand.  For the ideas that you think are unreasonable, please ask Rene for insight.

Upon this rock-like faith, we build the church for churches, The School Of Loo.  Fact that some sort of concept for order sustains all time (I.e. eternity IS whole so that it HAS eternal homogeneous constancy), assures that it must forever be willing to offer each of us the free will choice for personally defining our own God-concepts.  Yet, God--from any true, eternal, perspective--must consider self as only self, not God, self-aware.  The question becomes "What is love?" and its answer is known only with actions exemplifying that self is eternally with all, such that all is of one kind, and family, while appearing to be many kinds.  It is the same as stating Allah is with many tribes.  Any honest seeker of God must then need only, and exclusively respect, the single principal that all IS possible while it remains of and for always harmless intent; no exclusive wish is simultaneously possible, and, all real wishes need not adhere the temporal order of logic to permit miracles according to collective cooperation, honesty.


My name is Rene Helmerichs.
This is my written statement left 24 April 2018 for Simon at

I worked at 人上人教育事業集團芝麻街凱仕蘭, Kidsland, of Tainan, Taiwan.  The company has logo:

I was hired in May, 2017, for a July, 2017, start. 

The vice president of the 12 branch private school group in Tainan, Clare Chiang, 江佩樺, sat with me on 20 May 2017 to hear my story.  It is submitted with this statement:

Ms. Chiang authorized a manager known to me only as "Denise Madness" to changed the contract so that I did not need a criminal record check.  This was against the spirit of the law in Taiwan at the time.  Since I had not broken any law, we agreed to work together for benefit to both of us.  I accepted their contract on the one condition that they will be willing to continue to work with me to market in ways that may not have imagined.

In February of 2018, they changed their mind.  The parents had all trusted me, and I was well respected as a teacher there.  One parent heard about my story and my campaign against the pill-pushing fade of western medicine.  The school grew worried that I may not know exactly what I am doing, and fired me on grounds of mental illness.  Unfortunately, they did not request an exam, nor would I have objected while we were in partnership.  There is now no longer need for an exam since its managers are in clear violation of the law.  This is now to become a legal matter.

In the normal due public process of any respectable court, Kidsland will have the ability to call a psychiatrist, or several, to the stand, and to call me to the stand to answer psychiatric questions.  When, if, that happens, I will request a copy of the current Diagnostic And Statistics Manual (DSM) published by The American Psychological Association (APA).

The DSM establishes the criteria for categories of mental illness.  Within each category is an exemption tied to cultural belief, since the public right of free speech to defend one's own reputation, as well as the international right of non-harmful religious freedom, must preserver.

In its greater context, this argument directly answers the question of whether or not the biblical Jesus was, or was not, God.  This is directly to solve the root of the argument sustaining worldwide religious wars such as that of ISIS which regularly appears on the public news.  Please see for greater context and further information.

Locally in Taiwan, Kidsland broke a 2-year contract without reasonable notice to me, certainly without my agreement, and without offering me the ability to even return to the school to pick up my belongings.  Managers have claimed all manner of untruths.

Kidsland refuses to pay out the contract and are actively preventing me from retaining teaching employment at other schools.  In direct exchange, I am now dis-reputing the school against my own deeper desire and will continue to do so until I am granted the legal authority to better the school, or see its doors permanently closed.

I require legal assistance to ensure honesty prevails at Kidsland, without significant impact to its frontline employees who, like me, had agreed to work under contract at the school without realizing the extent to which the school will deny rights to those employees on a whim.

Further details are included in the letter submitted 23 April 2018 to Officer Ni.  Officer Ni received the statement dated 2018423, and book pictured above, for the police occurrence report:

Always with intent for harm to none,


Rene Helmerichs, 是瑞
2018424 |



這個故事就像逆向的骨牌效應。它開始於一個對一個男孩撒謊的女孩。這個故事被包含在一本可以在 網上找到的書中。







這是雷內知道重新獲得他的聲譽並為全球誠實可持續發展而奮鬥的唯一途徑。 描述了這個論點的背景。CC:




Rene Helmerichs, 是瑞
2018423 |


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